Value of Never Having a Tap Run Dry- Benefits of using A Keg Switcher
Serving beer is an easy task when the staff does not have to switch kegs. It is advisable to pour the gas and foam in the supply line when a keg empties because the gas might create problems. Therefore, an individual should change not only the keg, but also clean supply line of gas. These tasks make serving beer a challenging task because one has to monitor the level of beer in a keg, turn off the supply line, and switch kegs. As such, the flow of beer is often interrupted.
Maintaining the Flow of Beer without Switching Kegs
A staff has to keep a number of kegs connected to the supply line to enable him/her to connect to second keg when the first tap dries. This allows an individual to serve the beer consistently. A staff should replace all the emptied kegs. However, this might be a hard task. Therefore, staff needs an automatic keg switcher to provide uninterrupted service.
What is a Keg switcher?
A keg switcher is an automated device that control beer supply. A keg switcher has a piston trigger system that connects the next keg in the series after the previous keg dries up while at the same time preventing contamination. There are various benefits of using keg switchers. They include:
Keg Switchers are Easy to Install
Keg switchers are easy to install and do not require additional equipment. The device comes complete with a switch thus an individual only need to install the switcher to the beer supply line.
Keg Switchers Prevent a Tap from Drying
Keg switchers prevent a tap from drying by switching kegs automatically. The switcher keeps beer pouring thus the staff does not have to switch kegs. The switcher connects all kegs to the supply line but opens the kegs one after the other. In other words, the switcher draws beer from the first keg until it dries and opens the next. In this way it keeps opening the kegs connected to the supply line one by one. When the final barrel dries, the switch on the switcher automatically plugs the supply line to prevent gas from mixing with the supply.
However, the staff should have to add more kegs the system to ensure the tap never runs dry.
Keg Switchers Reduce the Time Required for Changing Kegs
When serving beer to many people, you might require a high volume of beer. As such, you will have to switch kegs frequently. However, you can avoid downtimes in service from switching kegs by using keg switchers.
Keg Switchers are Compatible with Beer Saver Foam on Beer detectors
The staff can use multiple keg switchers in conjunction with beer saver foam on beer detector denoted as (FOB) to further save time and beer. In fact, one of the greatest values of using keg switchers is to prevent wastage of beer. Using a keg switcher can save up to approximately one pitcher per keg.
However, without keg switchers, staffs have to struggle to keep the beer flow smooth, free from foam, and contamination. Those operating without keg switchers also need to change the empty keg quickly so that those having the drink do not have to wait for a long time. Overall, keg switchers save time by keeping the beer pouring.