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Your draught dollars are going down the drain, every keg...every day

Take It To The End of The Line

Pacific Beer Equipment’s renowned high-tech Draught Foam Control device (Beer FOBs), the DFC 9500 / DFC 9600, stops beer flow immediately after a keg empties, both at the key and the tap. This eliminates the spitting and spraying that usually happens when a keg “blows”. The DFC 9500 / DFC 9600 keeps the supply lines full of beer, even when a keg blows, resulting in instant beer from a freshly tapped keg.

That's right — no more time and money is wasted pouring off foam in order to get to the good stuff.

Drain Your Keg, Not Your Wallet

Savings for businesses are astronomical. Independent testing by various North American Breweries has shown the DFC 9500 / DFC 9600 saves an average of one pitcher of beer per keg on a typical long-draw run, much greater savings for stadiums, airports, and hotels. Given that there are approximately 40 pitchers in a keg and based on a volume of 40 kegs per week - bars, pubs, clubs and restaurants would save one keg a week. That's 52 kegs a year!

Owners see their return on investment very quickly.


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Our DFC'S & BENEFITS - DFC9500/DFC9600


  • The original DFC9500/DFC9600's composition and design have been carefully studied by the Canadian Plastic's Institute and all of their recommendations have been implemented in the design of DFC9500/DFC9600.
  • Our use of the high quality "Engineering Grade" plastics, and design modifications, recommended by the Institute have made the DFC9500/DFC9600 extremely durable and strong. Although we don't recommend it, the DFC9500/DFC9600 is strong enough to lift a full keg off of the ground.
  • The DFC can be fitted with any one of five(5) different base configurations.(see below for details)
  • Easy to operate. After changing keg's beer flow can be restored with the twist of the wrist.
  • Simple installation takes less than five minutes.
  • The DFC9500/DFC9600's non intrusive design allows it to be installed without having to make changes to the existing system (cutting into supply lines, new fittings etc.). Installation can be done directly on the keg connector.


  • The DFC9500/DFC9600 stops beer flow instantly when a keg empties, keeping the supply line full of beer. Beer is no longer wasted as foam when a new keg is tapped. Save an average of one pitcher of draught per keg. Much greater savings is seen at installations with longer than average supply lines like Stadiums, Airports, and Hotels.
  • Reduces the amount of CO2 or Beer Gas used because it no longer fills the supply line and escapes out of the tap.
  • Ideal for installations with computer portion control, and flow metering systems, which can lose Calibration and give inaccurate total volume readings when gas passes through them.
  • Bartenders require less time to change kegs because the supply lines do not need to be cleared of gas and foam to get to "clear" beer. Servers do not have to wait to have their orders filled.
  • Keeping the supply lines constantly full of beer reduces the amount of contaminants i.e. beerscale, and sludge, which forms in lines faster when exposed to air. As a result supply lines remain cleaner and beer tastes fresher between cleanings.
  • The DFC9500/DFC9600 has a low interior volume and injector tubes that maintain agitation throughout the chamber. This inhibits the buildup of deposits inside the unit.
  • The DFC9500/DFC9600's can be locked into an 'open' position and remain on the keg connector or when the supply lines are being cleaned. Cleaning solutions can be sent through the unit in either direction
  • Manual hand cleaning is easy because the DFC9500/DFC9600 can be completely taken apart and put back together in a few minutes. This design also makes servicing the units, if necessary, quick and easy.



Foaming at the end of a keg and when starting a new keg cost bar operators profit from beer wastage at keg change over. Since the DFC 9500 / DFC 9600 keeps the supply lines full during keg change over, this waste and subsequent loss of profit is eliminated. Average potential savings per keg change are illustrated below.

Using a 3/8 inch Supply Line
10 ft 6 oz
30 ft 18 oz
100 ft 50 oz (2.5 pints)
150 ft 75 oz (Almost 4 pints!)
Kegs/month Length of beerline(ft)
25' 50' 100' 150'
40 $40 $80 $160 $480
60 $60 $120 $240 $360
80 $80 $160 $320 $480
  Beer wasted per month($)



    The base configurations are:
    F10/M10 G5/8'' female inlet and a G5/8'' male outlet. This base is known as a "Keg Mount Base"
    F8/M8 1/2 ''female inlet and a 1/2 ''male outlet. This base was designed to be used on MicroMatic tapping heads. This base is also known as a "Keg Mount Base"
    M10/M10 G5/8 ''Male inlet and outlet. This base is known as a "Wall Mount Base"
    FJG6/ FJG6 3/8'' John Guest SpeedFit on the inlet and the outlet. This base accepts 3/8 ''O.D. tubing. This base is also a "Wall Mount Base"
    F8/FJG6 1/2'' female inlet with 3/8'' John Guest SpeedFit on the outlet. This base is also called a "Keg Mount Base."
    F10/FJG6 G5/8'' female inlet with 3/8'' John Guest SpeedFit on the outlet. This base is also called a "Keg Mount Base."


    The DFC 9500 & DFC 9600 can save an average of one pitcher of beer per keg in a typical long-draw system. and when you're talking about larger venues like stadiums, airports, and hotels, those savings can really add up.



    Foaming at the end of a keg and when starting a new keg cost bar operators profit from beer wastage at keg change over. Since the DFC9500/DFC9600 keeps the supply lines full during keg change over, this waste and subsequent loss of profit is eliminated. Average potential savings per keg change are illustrated below

    Using a 3/8 inch Supply Line
    10 ft 6 oz
    30 ft 18 oz
    100 ft 50 oz (2.5 pints)
    150 ft 75 oz (Almost 4 pints!)
    Kegs/month Length of beerline(ft)
    25' 50' 100' 150'
    40 $40 $80 $160 $480
    60 $60 $120 $240 $360
    80 $80 $160 $320 $480
    Beer wasted per month($)


    Your new DFC9500/DFC9600 is warranted for 5 YEARS from the date of original purchase against all defects in workmanship and/or materials. Parts that prove defective will be either repaired or replaced at our option. The right is reserved by the manufacturer to replace the whole product in lieu thereof. The warranty does not apply if the damage occurs because of accident, improper handling, shipping damage, abuse, misuse, unauthorized repairs made or attempted and cleaning methods not approved by the manufacturer. This warranty is in lieu of any other warranty either expressed or implied. If service is required, please contact your nearest authorized distributor/installer of the DFC9500/DFC9600

    Around the world, people are toasting the
    best bar invention since beer itself.

    • “The DFC 9500 is being used in every new installation as standard equipment. It is easy to install, simple to operate, and of great return for cost recovering.”
      Dreher Representacoes
      Porto Alegre, Brazil
    • “It allows you to run your beer right out. It’s then a simple matter of changing the DFC 9500 onto a fresh Keg, avoiding wastage and having to worry about air in the beer lines.”
      Maroubra Seals Club
    • “Compact, simple to operate. Positive results have paved the way for success of the DFC 9500 in Japan.”
      BLM International
      Osaka, Japan
    • “Wasted beer has been reduced to just a few ounces per keg with the DFC 9500. It’s simple to operate and highly effective.”
      Holiday Inn Hotel
      Vancouver, Canada
    • “Since purchasing the DFC 9500 and analyzing the sales figures from 9000 kegs of beer, we found that they have saved us about 360 kegs of beer or approximately 4% of overall cost!”
      Curtis Howser
      London UK
    • “Based on the use of the DFC 9500, San : Francisco Airport calculates their annual cost savings on draft beer will be $27,248. The retail sales equivalent of that amount is $173,560.”
      Host Marriott Corporation
      Washington D. C.